Enforcement Orders Archive - C.
Archived Enforcement Orders by Company Name, C
C L and M, Inc. (a/k/a Commercial Project Loan Servicing), and Donald E. Dodge, 09-128
C.U. Mortgage Services Inc. d/b/a C.U. Mortgage Services (CUMSI), 16-014
California Law Group, A Professional Corporation (d/b/a California Law Group, P.C., a/k/a Law Office of Adlore Clarambeau, Esquire, a/k/a Loan Processing Center, Inc., and a/k/a Mortgage Modification Center), and Adlore Virgil Clarambeau, Esquire, 10-188
Cambridge Mercantile Corp. (U.S.A.), 11-186
Campos Chartered Law Firm and Jeffrey Scott Campos, 08-062
Capital Access Residential, Inc., and Barry P. Winer, 14-204
Capital City Automotive, LLC, Paul J. Morandi, and Frank M. Fowle, 08-207
Capital Quest Financial Services, 07-068
Capitol Mortgage Company Inc (d/b/a CMCI), and Richard D. Northrop, 09-119
Car Store, Inc., The, 17-256
Career Bridge Inc d/b/a Career Bridge, 17-175
Carteret Mortgage Corporation, Eric Weinstein and Albert Elder, 07-132
Carteret Mortgage Corporation, Eric E. Weinstein, Albert L. Elder, Jessica Harrington, and Stephen Bianco, 08-379
- Consent Order 03/27/09
- Motion to Continue 03/11/09
- Motion to Continue 02/09/09
- Motion to Continue 12/23/08
- Order to Continue Adjudicative Hearing 11/06/08
- Motion to Continue 10/08/08
- Motion to Stay 10/07/08
- Notice of Hearing 09/25/08
- Order to Show Cause with Immediate Suspension and Cease and Desist Order 09/25/08
Casa Blanca Mortgage, Inc., Michael J. Chung, Jiwon J. Chung, Steve Ko, and Peter S. Tomita, 07-214
Cash Advance USA (a/k/a and d/b/a for Liberty Capital Investments, LLC), and Robert E. Schwier, 08-226
- Amended Order to Show Cause and Cease and Desist 08/03/11
- Motion to Vacate Ab Initio Robert E. Schwier and Liberty Capital Investments, LLC with a registered address of 766 Gran Paseo Drive, Orlando, Florida 03285 from Order to Show Cause and Cease and Desist 08/03/11
- Order to Show Cause and Cease and Desist 07/07/11
Cash in A Wink Inc. (a/k/a CA$H in A WINK), 09-217
Cash Reserve, 06-016
Cash Supply (d/b/a FFD Resources I, LLC), FFD Ventures LP and First Fidelity of Delaware Inc., 10-155
Cash Web USA, 12-447
Cashforce USA Inc, Michael M. Melody, and Courtney L. Carey, 09-130
Cashforce USA Inc.
Cashforce USA Inc., Michael Melody, Daniel Melody, 07-034
CBSK Financial Group Inc (d/b/a CBSK Financial Group and d/b/a American Home Loans), Brent McElwee, Cyndi McElwee, 09-014
CBSK Financial Group Inc, Brent McElwee, Cyndi McElwee, Lori Pendray, Dorita Kay, and William Halapin, 07-273
CC Brown Law Offices (a/k/a CC Brown Law LLC and Law Offices of C.C. Brown), and Charles Craig Brown, Esq., 11-125
- Order to Dismiss 05/13/13
- Procedural Order Disclosure Under RSA 91-A 05/02/12
- Order on Motion to Dismiss with Prejudice 04/18/12
- Assented Motion to Continue 01/12/12
- Order to Continue 11/18/11
- Order to Continue 10/27/11
- Order Re: Request to Appear Telephonically: 10/20/11
- Delegation 10/10/11
- Notice of Hearing 10/07/11
- Order to Show Cause and Cease and Desist 08/25/11
Central Mortgage Company (d/b/a Central Mortgage Company, Inc.), 11-217
Century Negotiations, Inc. (d/b/a CNI), 09-137
Cheryl Darlene Pecor (a/k/a Cheryl Darlene Forcier, a/k/a Cheryl Darlene Lewis, a/k/a Cheryl Darlene Vangeli and d/b/a Custom Lending Network, db/a customlendingnetwork.com, and d/b/a customlending.net), 10-196
Cirrus Mortgage, Timothy Dunn and John C. Anderson, Jr., 07-192
CIS Financial Services, Inc., 15-034
Citadel Mortgage Corporation, and David Geddes, 08-390
Civic Mortgage Group Inc, 08-053
Claremont Ford Lincoln, Inc., and Arrien L.C. Schiltkamp, individually and as President of Claremont Ford Lincoln, Inc., 15-076
- Order on the Merits 10/26/15
- Joint Status Report 10/06/15
- Order on Process and Schedule 10/01/15
- Order on Motion to Schedule Hearing 09/01/15
- Supplement to Order to Show Cause 08/18/15
- Order to Continue and Consolidate 07/08/15
- Order to Show Cause 06/26/15
- Order to Continue the Hearing 06/15/15
- Notice of Hearing 06/02/15
- Order for Immediate Suspension 05/29/15
- Consent Order 05/21/15