Banks & Credit Unions
General information about NH State Chartered Banks and Credit Unions.
Who We Are
The Banking Division conducts examinations for safety and soundness of New Hampshire chartered banks and Credit Unions. The division processes and reviews applications for charters, branches, ATMs, merger transactions, interstate acquisitions, and other corporate activity. The Division publishes a corporate activities listing, compiles data for inclusion in the Annual Report of the Bank Commissioner, and responds to inquiries from state and federal regulators, financial institutions, and the public. The Division investigates and facilitates the resolution of consumer complaints about the entities it supervises.
Who regulates my bank?
National Banks and Federal Credit Unions are regulated by the FDIC or OCC (banks) and NCUA (credit unions). If you have a question about your bank or credit union please call the Banking Department at (603) 271-3561 for help.
Bank and Credit Union Mortgage Loan Originators are registered through the National Mortgage Licensing System and Registry (NMLSR). Please visit the NMLSR website to search for an institution or a specific loan officer, and check their registration status.
- List of NH State Chartered Banks
- List of NH State Chartered Banks
- List of NH State Chartered Credit Unions
- List of NH State Chartered Credit Unions
Find your bank
Find FDIC insured banks and branches from today and/or in the past as well as information on who regulates your bank: BankFind Suite: Find Institutions by Name & Location (
FDIC Technical Assistance Video Program
The FDIC has created a series of educational videos designed to provide useful information to bank directors, officers and employees on areas of supervisory focus and regulatory changes.
Additional Resources
- FDIC home page: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- FDIC resources page for supervision and exams, laws and regulations, data tools and resolutions: FDIC Resources
- NCUA home page: National Credit Union Administration
- OCC home page: Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
- Federal Reserve Board home page: Federal Reserve Board
- CSBS resource page for disaster recovery, frameworks, info sharing, penetration testing: Conference of State Bank Supervisors resource page