Money Transmitters
Money Transmitter information, policies, laws and examination information.
All new Money Transmitter licensing in New Hampshire is done via the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System (NMLS).
If your company is currently licensed and changes of ownership or status occur the company must update the NMLS. Follow up information may be requested.
Refund Policy
All fees for licenses and registrations are nonrefundable and payable in advance. In the event of an overpayment, a refund request would need to be reviewed and approved by the Banking Department.
Licensees must be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws. The main NH law that is applicable to money transmitters is NH RSA 399-G.
Licensees are required to be examined at least every 24 months, though it may be sooner or more frequent as needed. The Consumer Credit FAQ page gives additional information for what is to be expected for examination.